Saturday, December 23, 2006

Paper or Plastic?

The other night, Nate and I were at Brad and Claire's to play games. Before we got started, Brad showed us his new Nintendo DS. (I think that's what it's called...) Anyway the more he showed us, the more I wanted one and kept saying so to Nate. You can use the stylus to write notes and doodle and if you are in the same room with someone else who has one, you can send these notes to each other. (Brad later demonstrated this feature by scrawling out, "Penny smells bad!" What a lovely brother.) Again, I greedily said to Nate, "I really want one!"
He muttered, "Why? You can do the same thing with a pencil and paper!"


Brad said...

Nate needs to get with the program. Back when paper was invented Nate would have probably touted the merits of ye olde stone tablet and chisel. Accept the future, Nate.

Critter Pass Ranch Refuge and Sanctuary said...

HI Nate and Penny!!!! We finally did it!!! We have a blog!!!! We have not had a computer that worked properly in a long time but now we are all set! I have wanted to ever since I returned from GA and found yours!!! Looks like all is well there! Prayers are with you guys always!!! Hugs to Grampa for us!!!! We decided to start a blog and include our "kids" as we run a pretty fun and educational rescue thing here!! lol And people are always inquiring about our "family." Thought this would be a great way to keep people informed instead of answering many many questions from those who want to hear about the ranch.

Anyway...please tell everyone hello....Claire and Brad and all...and may you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!!!!! Hope to see you soon.....someday .... :o)
Love Claire and Ron

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas my dear friend..