Sunday, September 11, 2005


We made it home in one piece!

Daddy dropped the four of us off at the airport last week, full of energy and ready for the job ahead. Yesterday, he picked us up at the airport, mere shadows of our former selves dragging our luggage wearily behind us.

I slept for a solid 14 hours and could have slept longer, but figured I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. I love our bed. It is the most comfortable bed in the whole world and I'm glad to be home to it.

So, now we recover and rest up from the job of cleaning out Grandpa's house and start thinking ahead to our trip to Georgia to find a home. Please pray about this next step. It looks big, but we know that God has something just right set aside for us. Thank you also, those of you who prayed for us while we were in California. Those prayers made a difference, we could tell and we appreciate them and you.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So glad you're back safe and sound! Trust you get caught up with yourself quickly. We'll certainly be praying for you next month when you go down to Georgia.