Monday, May 15, 2006

A Not So Typical Meal in Our Home

The other evening Nate, Grandpa and I were sitting down to dinner. The rain was falling and sounds of thunder rumbled in the distance. As Nate sat down and started to say, "Let's pray," BOOM! The chair he was sitting in split in half and he tumbled to the floor! Grandpa and I were startled and checked to see if Nate was okay! While we were surveying the damage and recovering from this unexpected shock, the room brightened with a FLASH of lightning and BOOOOOM!!!!!!!! Thunder right over our heads literally made us jump! Well, at least Grandpa and I jumped, nothing really rattles Nate. Oh, my word. It took a few moments for our hearts to settle back down so that we could eat! Thankfully, Nate is fine. The chair is not, though, and will be used for firewood next winter.


Silas said...

Another thing that you'll have down there in the South - thunder storms...

Mrs. RF said...

Poor chair! Ah, the joys of thunder storms.

Kristi said...

Ha ha, where's the video camera when you need it?!

ljm said...

Wow, I wonder if Nate was praying to the right God?!

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

I reckon Ol' 'Lanche is a mite steadier seat in a thunder storm... 8~)

brilynne said...

Doesn't that smack a bit of judgment?

Booker said...

*agrees with all the judgement comments*


1smalldino said...

How rude... (I mean) of the chair.

lis said...

Hee hee hee!


Loreo said...

So, like, the thunder shook his chair to pieces?! I LOVE those southern thunder storms!!