Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's Off to Work I Go!

I got a job! At a camera store!!! It's the same chain as Brad's but different store. Brad recommended me to them and has been a huge support, answering all of my questions, dumb and otherwise. I have a feeling I've only just begun with my questions to my brother. Thanks Brad, for being patient. I'll just be working 20 hours a week and starting in the lab. I would appreciate everyone's prayers as I begin this new adventure!

Phoebe is growing like crazy, and driving ME crazy. Puppies are a lot of work. She's slowly turning into a lovely little dog, though.

Grandpa came to live with us a year ago yesterday. We've had our ups and downs. It's a challenge having to share your home with an elderly person. (To put it mildly). Next week, we are planning to move him to Brad and Claire's. Please pray for them and him.

I will leave you with another photo of the foliage, which has been stunning lately.


Kristi said...

Hope the job goes well and you enjoy the change!

lis said...

Congratualations on the job, Penny! And yes, I will pray.

Booker said...

Have fun and earn LOTS of filthy lucre :-)

drewey fern said...

Yay for wonderful news!!! So happy for you Pen!

Jill said...

Congratulations on the job, Penny. And I'm so happy to hear that you're getting a break from the constant care for Uncle Charlie. We'll transfer our prayers to Brad and Claire. :-)