Sunday, September 16, 2007

You are not going to believe this!

The other evening, while brushing my teeth and various other of my nightly rituals, both of our cats hopped up on the counter for a drink of water. This is normal. I went over to Nate's sink and turned it on so they could take turns drinking while I finished up with my teeth. Then I turned off the water and climbed into bed. Then I heard a trickling sound coming out of the bathroom. All I could figure was that the cats had somehow figured out how to turn the water on, so I went to investigate. I poked my head around the corner in time to see our cat Melvin with his rear over the toilet relieving himself! Nate and I are thinking of setting up a video camera so that we can catch him in the act!


ljm said...

No way! You must document this.

Claire said...

At the risk of being sacrilegious
( okay- I tried spelling that word about ten different ways and even though it looks wrong to me, the stupid incorrect spelling dots have disappeared finally), I must say,
" I DO believe! Help thou my unbelief!"

Lori said...

Are you sure you weren't dreaming, Alice?

Kristi said...

From a Pass cat, I believe it! Ha ha, you must video tape it! Now if you could just train him to flush the toilet...;-)