Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Weekend Away

Nate and I have decided that, until we have children, Mother's Day and Father's Day would be Wive's Day and Husband's Day. On Wive's Day Nate surprised me by telling me he was taking me away for four days to Cape Cod! So last weekend we went!

When we arrived at the Beach and Towne Motel, which claimed to have wireless Internet access, we had a few difficulties. One of the main reasons Nate chose this place was for the wireless access. The Beach and Towne Motel was built in the 50's and I don't think anything has changed in decor since. And our noses told us that there had been some smoking in our room recently. We were still ready to give the place the benefit of the doubt. We pulled out the laptop and excitedly turned it on waiting for the light indicating a connection light. So, Nate went to the office and after a few more adjustments and whatnot, they decided to move us into a room closer to the signal, gave us our key and wished us a lovely weekend. With hope in our hearts, we opened the door with bags in hand and...someone else's stuff was in the room. We backed out carefully and Nate, once again went to the office. The third time's the charm, right? Ummm, no. The third room still had no decent signal and this was even after someone came into our room to help us with it, trying everything that Nate had already tried and practically refusing to leave. When we finally got rid of him, we drove away, shaking the dust of this retro motel off our feet. Relaxing so far, eh? Off we went then, to Panera to use their wireless connection to research other places to stay. At this point I was afraid that we were never going to find lodging and that the whole weekend was shot. Never fear. We did find a place out in Wellfleet and the rest of the weekend was spent shopping in nifty little stores and sitting by the ocean, cameras in hand seeking out the perfect shots to have enlarged and used for decorating our living room.

There is nothing so soothing and relaxing and refreshing as sitting by the ocean listening to and watching the waves. My soul is revived.

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