Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Time to Say Goodbye


We have been SO busy, as I'm sure most of you have read from Claire's blog. I have so many memories of this place. I was baptized in the pool out back, I've watched Grandpa make Charlie-dolls, I've played by the creek, I've worked in the garden, I've swung down the pole into the family room countless times, I've lain on the couch next to the organ listening to Grandpa play by the hour, I've had Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners here on Grandma's china, I've roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire while watching the "cool" people play volleyball, and sometimes they even let me play, I helped Grandpa clean the house and care for Grandma when her memory and her ability to walk failed her. The list goes on...

I'm thankful for all of the pictures we have of these memories and I'm thankful for the week of hilarity that we've had, and, yes, even my cold, because it helps take my mind off of leaving. So, now, this is my last night here at Grandpa and Grandma's house. We have a busy day tomorrow, finishing packing up the boxes to be shipped and cleaning up last minute trash. Thank you for letting me take this time to remember.


Mrs. RF said...

Thanks for reminding me of all the wonderful memories.

QueenOfLillyFlowers said...

You are leaving!!!!!?? Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sniffle-sniffle sob-sob waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! How dare you. WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I want my mommy!!!!!! I'LL BE BACK AFTER THESE MESSAGES (I have to go scream, peacefullY)

Booker said...

Good job Penny! Glad you have such good memories about the place you grew up in...

Kristi said...

Sniff. Wow, Penny, that sure brings back memories for me too -- many of the same ones. I remember the volleyball games and exploring the creek and swimming in the freezing pool and hunting for eggs at Easter and watching your grandpa make Charlie dolls and so much more! End of an era. But you'll always have memories and you still have your grandpa. Hope the rest of the week goes well and you feel better! Love you!

Jill said...

Wow, I remember doing so many of those things too! I'd forgotten all about the pole. But I clearly remember Charlie dolls, volleyball, playing down by the creek, getting baptized in the freezing pool then coming up out of the water to the soul-thrilling strains of "O Happy Day"... Didn't realize how much of my childhood was wrapped up in that place. So glad you all got the job done. Hope you can go home and crash!

Loreo said...

I remember being one of those "cool people" playing volleyball!!! (Just kidding!) I was baptized there, too! And don't forget the fun we had picking, eating, and throwing cherries at volleyball games! I used to help your Grandpa weed some, and I didn't use gloves. He said I had "piano playing hands," and I shouldn't be getting dirt under my nails! I remember that swinging chair thing and the compost pile and the pipes he used to irrigate his garden. And his sour cherry jelly and the apple trees and the violets that would grow in his lawn--rare and fragrant! When I get old and have to move, will I get to leave all the dirty work to whippersnappers like you? =)