Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Closet Nerd

Nate and I were both sick yesterday with food poisoning. Yuck. And yes, we had Subway after church at the same time that Andrea did. Hmm...something's rotten in the state of Rhode Island.

I think I had a fever last night and you know how dreams can get when you are sick! Let me back up first, though, so you know why my dreaming was weird. I've been watching NASA TV every day while the shuttle Discovery has been in space. It's been fascinating watching the space walks and other activities that they have been up to. I've also been impressed with how courteous and friendly the astronauts and the people on the ground have been with each other. They don't let little things bug them and don't express frustration when things go wrong. Oh, to be more like an astronaut! I even got up early yesterday to watch the shuttle land and when it didn't, I got up early again this morning. Brad says that I'm a nerd. Oh well. So, all of this to say that the shuttle has been very much on my mind.

I've also been playing a lot of backgammon on the computer. That's the game where you have to move your tokens around the board and if you don't have them in stacks of two or more the other guy can swoop in and land on you. Every time I close my eyes, I see these little tokens on the board. Yes, I know this is a sign of having played it too much. When I get over this food poisoning I'll stop...really.

So, last evening I went to bed early, partly because I was still feeling awful and partly because I knew I was getting up super early. In my confused feverish dream, I was on the shuttle, which was also our apartment. I was sick, in my sleepwear and trying to make sure that the tokens were all stacked so that we would land safely. I also knew that there were cameras set up so that the world could watch us in space and I was concerned that the next time I got up to rush to the bathroom to toss my cookies, that the whole world would see me in my pj's. So, I partially woke up and called to Nate to come in to the bedroom and told him calmly and courteously, like the astronauts, that if he could please get me some clothes to wear for when the shuttle lands I would really appreciate it. He informed me that I was not making any sense and that I had just used space shuttle and clothes in the same sentence! That's when I really woke up and realized that I had been dreaming. Poor Nate.


drewey fern said...

Hee hee hee - that is so funny! I love it! Very giggle inducing! At least something good came out of all this food poisoning business. Hope you're feeling better today!

Loreo said...

That sounds about right for a weird combination dream when you've got several things REALLY on your mind! I like how you COURTEOUSLY, like an astronaut, asked Nate in your sleep for clothes. Sorry you guys got sick!

melrandall said...

Hahahhahaaaaa!!! That's awesome! I was just thinking recently how amazing it is that our brains are able to come up with such complicated plot lines while we're asleep. I'd never be that creative awake!

May you stack together a safe and embarrassment-free landing...

Kristi said...

Hmm...I'm staying away from Subway! (Not that I usually eat there anyway. Quizno's is way better.)

Booker said...

Wow, that made me laugh so hard! But sorry you had to get fp. That is no fun for sure...

ljm said...

Sue Subway!!

Rex Tyrannus said...

Hope you're feeling better...you did recover, right? (We haven't seen a new post in a while.)

CKS said...

Don't sue Subway! It's the only healthy place I can eat while at school! And I depend on it to relieve my diet of canned goods and Ramen noodles! Of course Quizno's is way better, but some of us aren't rich enough to eat there.

Anonymous said...

This is a test. It is only a test.