Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Home Again! (for now)

After almost two weeks in NH staying with my Grandpa while Dad and Mom were away, I'm once again sitting in my own chair, with my own husband right here, and with my own cats running around. Even after leaving Nate for this long to his own devices he still loves me! Roses and baloons were waiting for me on the table and he brought chinese food home for dinner! This bliss will be short-lived though, because we leave on Saturday with Brad and Claire to go work our heads off in Gpa's house. My fortune cookie said, "You are given the chance to take part in an exciting adventure." How true.

On the spam front, I've been mildly annoyed at the stupid comments and finally changed the settings to only allow bloggers to comment. However, I have also received one mildly profane comment and decided, especially since I know some children who read my blog, to change the settings again so that you have to identify a word to comment. I appreciate your patience and continue to welcome and even wait with bated breath for comments from those I know and love!


melrandall said...

Welcome home! It's nice to know you're here, even though I'll probably never actually see you again, what with you fleeing RI again and me holing up in a dark room again with charcoal up to my ears...

thank you for giving me the opportunity to interpret more squiggles. WOO!

Booker said...

Well, as much as I hate the word ident thing, I understand the reasoning behind using it. Sad, eh?

good luck in Cali. Here's to hoping it doesn't fall into the ocean while you're there...

Claire said...

Well...If CA is going to fall into the ocean, it had better do so in the next twenty four hours so we can turn around, come home and spare our feeble muscles...! No seriously, I'm looking forward to it too! LOADS OF FUN AHEAD! ...although the only scenic vista we will have is probably going to be of Mt. Diablo...from Grandpa's front yard. Huzzah for fun siblings-in-law.

Rex Tyrannus said...

Sorry you've been having such a tough time with spammers. Silas and I have been hit too. Maybe you can tell us how to setup the character-key thing.

By the way, could you drop me an email ( I had a question for you, but we don't have your contact info since you moved.

Once you see this post, please delete it, since it has my email address on it.

Thanks, and happy labor day.
